Biden Campaigns in Florida: President Joe Biden made a campaign stop in Florida on Tuesday, seeking to boost his chances of winning the state that narrowly went to former President Donald Trump in 2020. Biden highlighted his economic record and his proposals to lower costs and cut taxes for working families, while also promising to protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security for seniors.

Biden spoke at a rally in Orlando, where he was greeted by a crowd of supporters waving signs that read “Florida for Biden” and “Build Back Better”. He touted his administration’s achievements in creating more than 12 million jobs, reducing the unemployment rate to 3.4 percent, and lowering inflation after last year’s peak. He also credited his infrastructure plan and his innovation agenda for making the economy more competitive and creating a manufacturing boom.

“Under my leadership, we’ve made historic progress for the American people. We’ve grown the economy from the bottom up and middle out, not the top down. We’ve cut costs and taxes for middle-class families, while making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share. And we’ve invested in America’s future, in our roads and bridges, our broadband and clean energy, our research and development, and our workers and industries,” Biden said.

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Biden also contrasted his vision with that of Trump, who he accused of being mired in legal troubles and pursuing policies that would hurt Floridians. He said Trump’s tax plan would raise taxes on 90 percent of Floridians, while his health care plan would end protections for people with pre-existing conditions and increase premiums and drug prices. He also said Trump’s budget would slash funding for Medicare and Social Security, endangering the retirement security of millions of seniors.

“Donald Trump is not fit to be president. He’s facing indictments in four cases for trying to overturn the election, mishandling classified information, and paying off a porn star. He’s a threat to our democracy, our national security, and our rule of law. And he’s a disaster for Florida. He wants to take away your health care, your retirement benefits, and your hard-earned money. He doesn’t care about you or your families. He only cares about himself and his cronies,” Biden said.

Biden appealed to the diverse population of Florida, saying he would defend the rights of women, immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and veterans. He also said he would work with allies to combat climate change, terrorism, and authoritarianism. He urged Floridians to vote for him and his Democratic allies in Congress, saying they would deliver on their promises and make life better for everyone.

“Florida, you have a choice to make in this election. You can choose a president who will fight for you, or you can choose a president who will fight against you. You can choose a president who will build back better, or you can choose a president who will tear everything down. You can choose a president who will unite us, or you can choose a president who will divide us. I’m asking for your vote because I believe in you. I believe in the power of the American people to overcome any challenge and achieve any dream. Together, we can make Florida and America stronger than ever before,” Biden said.

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Q: When is the 2024 presidential election?

  • The 2024 presidential election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th.

Q: How many electoral votes does Florida have?

  • Florida has 30 electoral votes out of 538 total.

Q: How did Florida vote in the 2020 presidential election?

  • Florida voted for Trump over Biden by a margin of 51.2 percent to 47.9 percent.

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Andrew Kaczynski

Andrew Kaczynski joined USA News Flow in August 2022. He writes breaking news, analysis, and feature stories on entertainment, sports, and technology matters.

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