Tensions escalated during a routine hearing in Fulton County, Georgia, for the election interference case involving former President Trump. Snide remarks, raised voices, and accusations flew between prosecutors and defense attorneys as they presented motions related to the grand jury’s indictment. The hearing lasted 90 minutes, with both sides sparring over various issues.

Defense attorneys for Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, accused of roles in an alleged plot to maintain Trump’s presidency after the 2020 election loss, had invoked their right to a speedy trial. Consequently, weekly hearings have been held to address their motions.

During one exchange, Powell’s attorney, Brian Rafferty, urged state prosecutors to submit written arguments in advance to expedite proceedings. Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor, countered that the state had already provided written responses.

In another heated moment, Chesebro’s attorney, Scott Grubman, accused a Fulton County prosecutor of lying about case law concerning defense counsel’s right to communicate with the grand jurors who indicted the defendants. Chesebro and Powell sought court approval to speak with the grand jurors, suggesting that some might have felt coerced into charging them.

Judge Scott McAfee eventually agreed to let the defense attorneys communicate with the grand jurors but asked for a list of relevant questions and citations. He did not immediately rule on Chesebro’s motion to unseal transcripts from the special grand jury, which had previously recommended charges in the case.

McAfee deemed the final motion, regarding disclosing the identities of 30 unindicted co-conspirators to the defendants, moot as prosecutors had agreed to provide the information.

Read: A Georgia judge rejects DA’s attempt to consolidate Trump and co-defendants for trial

Andrew Kaczynski

Andrew Kaczynski joined USA News Flow in August 2022. He writes breaking news, analysis, and feature stories on entertainment, sports, and technology matters.

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