Israel has intensified its aerial bombardment of Gaza City, the seat of Hamas’ government, after declaring war on the militant group following a surprise attack that killed hundreds of Israelis. The Israeli prime minister said the retaliation would “reverberate for generations”.

The background

The conflict between Israel and Hamas escalated dramatically on Saturday, when Hamas launched a massive assault by air, sea and land on southern Israel, breaching the border fence and killing more than 900 people, including civilians and soldiers. Hamas also took more than 150 hostages, some from their homes, and threatened to execute them if Israel targeted civilians in Gaza without warning.

Israel responded with fierce airstrikes on Gaza, killing more than 680 people, mostly militants, according to Israel. Israel also activated 300,000 reservists and mobilized tanks and drones to regain control of the border area and prevent further infiltrations.

The war has shattered any hopes of reviving the stalled peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, and has sparked protests and condemnations across the region and the world. The U.N. Security Council failed to agree on a joint statement due to objections from the U.S., which said it was working behind the scenes to de-escalate the situation.

The latest developments

On Tuesday, Israel launched massive airstrikes on downtown Gaza City, targeting Hamas’ headquarters, ministries, police stations and media outlets. Israeli warplanes dropped dozens of bombs on the densely populated area, reducing buildings to rubble and sending plumes of smoke into the sky.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a televised address that Israel had “only started striking Hamas” and vowed to continue until Hamas was “eliminated”. He said that what Israel would do to its enemies in the coming days would “reverberate with them for generations”.

Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida said that Israel’s attacks were a “declaration of war” and warned that Hamas would respond with “surprises”. He said that Hamas had fired more than 3,000 rockets at Israel since Saturday, some reaching as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. He also said that Hamas had carried out a naval operation against an Israeli naval base near Ashdod, causing damage and casualties.

The Israeli military said it had intercepted most of the rockets fired by Hamas, but some hit residential areas, causing injuries and damage. The military also said it had regained effective control over the border area with Gaza and killed more than 1,500 Hamas fighters in Israeli territory.

The Israeli foreign minister warned Hamas against harming any of the hostages, saying that it would be a “war crime” that would not be forgiven. He also said that Israel was ready for a ground invasion of Gaza if necessary.

The implications

The war between Israel and Hamas has raised fears of a wider regional conflict, as Israel has accused Iran of being behind some of the rocket attacks from Gaza and threatened to retaliate against Iranian targets. Iran has denied any involvement and warned Israel not to test its patience.

The war has also exposed the fragility of the recent normalization agreements between Israel and some Arab states, such as the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, which were brokered by the U.S. last year. Some of these countries have condemned Hamas’ attack as an act of terrorism and expressed solidarity with Israel, while others have criticized Israel’s disproportionate use of force and its blockade of Gaza.

The war has also inflamed tensions across the Muslim world, with protests erupting in several countries in support of the Palestinians or against Israel. Some protesters have burned Israeli flags and chanted anti-Israeli slogans, while others have called for jihad or holy war against Israel.

The war has also triggered a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where more than 2 million people live under a crippling Israeli-Egyptian blockade. The airstrikes have destroyed or damaged homes, schools, hospitals, water and electricity infrastructure, leaving many people without shelter, food, water or medical care. The U.N. has appealed for urgent humanitarian aid and access to Gaza.

Summary Table:

Date Event Casualties
Oct 7 Hamas fires rockets at Jerusalem during a Jewish holiday No injuries reported
Oct 8 Israel responds with airstrikes on Gaza 12 Palestinians killed
Oct 9 Hamas launches a surprise attack by air, sea and land on Israel 900 Israelis killed
Oct 10 Israel declares war on Hamas and intensifies airstrikes on Gaza 680 Palestinians killed
Oct 11 U.N. Security Council fails to agree on a statement due to U.S. veto N/A
Oct 12 Israel launches massive airstrikes on downtown Gaza City N/A

People Also Read: Israel at war with Hamas after unprecedented attacks

Emiko Jozuka

Emiko Jozuka joined USA News Flow in August 2022. She writes Breaking news on Local and International affairs.

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