Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a moderate Democrat who has often clashed with his party’s progressive wing, is reportedly exploring the possibility of running for president as an independent in 2024.

According to sources close to Manchin, the senator has been frustrated by the partisan gridlock in Washington and the polarized political climate in the country. He believes that there is a demand for a centrist candidate who can appeal to both Democrats and Republicans, and who can work across the aisle to solve the nation’s problems.

Manchin’s potential presidential bid comes after he rejected the advice of former President Bill Clinton, who urged him to support President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion social spending and climate package. Clinton, who is a friend and mentor of Manchin, reportedly called him several times in recent weeks to persuade him to vote for the bill, which is a key part of Biden’s agenda.

However, Manchin has been adamant that he will not support the bill unless it is significantly scaled back and paid for without raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals. He has also expressed concerns about the bill’s impact on inflation, debt and energy prices. Manchin has said that he is willing to compromise with his fellow Democrats, but that he will not be pressured by anyone to change his position.

Manchin’s stance has put him at odds with many Democrats, especially progressives who have accused him of being a “Republican in disguise” and of blocking the party’s efforts to advance its agenda. Some Democrats have even threatened to primary Manchin in 2024, when he is up for reelection in West Virginia, a state that voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020.

Manchin, however, has dismissed these criticisms and challenges, saying that he is not afraid of losing his seat or his party affiliation. He has also hinted that he may run for president as an independent if he feels that neither party represents his views and values. He has said that he has received encouragement from some of his colleagues and constituents to pursue such a path.

Manchin’s potential independent run for president could have a significant impact on the 2024 election, especially if Biden decides not to seek a second term or faces a strong primary challenge from within his own party. Manchin could draw support from moderate voters who are dissatisfied with both parties and who are looking for a pragmatic alternative. However, he could also face difficulties in raising money, building a national organization and securing ballot access in all 50 states. Moreover, he could face criticism from both Democrats and Republicans who may view him as a spoiler or a traitor.

Manchin has not made any formal announcement about his presidential plans yet, but he has said that he will make a decision by the end of this year or early next year. He has also said that he will consult with his family, friends and supporters before making his final choice.

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Andrew Kaczynski

Andrew Kaczynski joined USA News Flow in August 2022. He writes breaking news, analysis, and feature stories on entertainment, sports, and technology matters.

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