Should Trump pick George Santos as his running mate?: Former President Donald Trump is widely expected to run for the White House again in 2024, but who will he choose as his vice presidential candidate? One of the names that has been floated around is George Santos, a Republican congressman from New York who faces 13 criminal charges, including voter fraud, money laundering and theft of public funds. Is Santos a good choice for Trump, or a liability?

The pros of picking Santos

Santos is a loyal supporter of Trump, who endorsed him in his 2020 congressional race. Santos has said he was inspired by Trump’s success in politics and has adopted his confrontational style and rhetoric. Santos is also a vocal critic of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party, accusing them of corruption, socialism and election fraud.

Santos could help Trump appeal to some demographic groups that he struggled with in 2020, such as Hispanic voters and suburban women. Santos is of Puerto Rican and Greek descent, and has a husband, David, who is a former model. Santos has also championed conservative causes such as gun rights, border security and pro-life policies.

Santos could also benefit from the media attention that his legal troubles would generate, as Trump did in 2016. Santos has denied any wrongdoing and has claimed that he is the victim of a political witch hunt. He has refused to resign from Congress and has vowed to fight the charges in court. Santos could portray himself as a martyr for the Trump movement and rally his base.

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The cons of picking Santos

Santos is a risky choice for Trump, as he could face serious legal consequences if convicted of the crimes he is accused of. He could potentially spend time in prison even while serving as vice president, which would be unprecedented and embarrassing for the country. He could also drag down Trump’s chances of winning by alienating moderate and independent voters who are wary of corruption and scandal.

Santos is also a relatively unknown and inexperienced politician, who has only served in Congress for less than two years. He has not held any leadership positions or passed any significant legislation. He has also made some controversial statements and actions that could hurt his credibility and reputation. For example, he lied about his education and military service, he attended the January 6 rally that preceded the Capitol riot, and he posted a photo of himself with a QAnon supporter.

Santos could also face competition from other potential running mates who have more popularity and influence within the Republican Party. Some of the names that have been mentioned include South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. These candidates have more experience, charisma and appeal than Santos.

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Trump has not announced his decision yet, but he has hinted that he is looking for someone who is loyal, camera-ready and has star power. Santos may fit some of these criteria, but he also comes with a lot of baggage and uncertainty. Trump may be better off choosing someone who can balance his ticket and boost his chances of winning back the White House.

Summary Table

Pros Cons
Loyal supporter of Trump Faces 13 criminal charges
Appeals to some demographic groups Could alienate moderate voters
Generates media attention Could face prison time
Portrays himself as a martyr Lacks experience and credibility


Q: Who is George Santos?
A: George Santos is a Republican congressman from New York who faces 13 criminal charges.

Q: Why is he being considered as Trump’s running mate?
A: He is a loyal supporter of Trump who has adopted his style and rhetoric.

Q: What are the advantages of picking him?
A: He could help Trump appeal to some demographic groups and generate media attention.

Q: What are the disadvantages of picking him?
A: He could face serious legal consequences if convicted, alienate moderate voters, lack experience and credibility, and face competition from other candidates.

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Andrew Kaczynski

Andrew Kaczynski joined USA News Flow in August 2022. He writes breaking news, analysis, and feature stories on entertainment, sports, and technology matters.

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