Washington — While the U.S. ambassador to Russia visited Paul Whelan at a labor camp in Mordovia, his sister, Elizabeth Whelan, sought a meeting with President Biden in Washington to push for a resolution to bring him back home.

However, Elizabeth Whelan did not secure an audience with Mr. Biden during her visit to the capital this week, where she met with administration officials. The White House has communicated with her about scheduling a future meeting with the president, according to a senior administration official.

Elizabeth Whelan expressed her desire for the meeting to ensure the president’s advisers fully comprehend what it might take to bring Paul home, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive perspective.

The U.S. government deems Paul Whelan’s detention as wrongful, a rare designation prompting extensive efforts to secure his release. Arrested in 2018 during a friend’s wedding in Russia, he was sentenced in 2020 to 16 years in prison on espionage charges he vehemently denies.

Despite U.S. efforts, Paul remains imprisoned, even after successful prisoner swaps securing the release of other wrongfully detained individuals in Russia.

Elizabeth Whelan is concerned that negotiating her brother’s release will become increasingly complex after the trial of a Wall Street Journal reporter on unsubstantiated espionage charges, anticipating further demands from the Russians.

While a meeting with President Biden didn’t materialize, the Whelan family expressed gratitude for the U.S. ambassador’s visit to Paul, emphasizing the importance of reinforcing the message to the Kremlin that his case remains a top U.S. priority.

Elizabeth Whelan stressed the need for a sense of urgency in resolving the issue promptly, emphasizing the importance of focusing on solutions rather than minimizing risks.

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Andrew Kaczynski

Andrew Kaczynski joined USA News Flow in August 2022. He writes breaking news, analysis, and feature stories on entertainment, sports, and technology matters.

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