Donald Trump’s campaign reports over $7 million raised since his Georgia arrest. The campaign collected $4.18 million on Friday alone, marking a record day. Trump was booked in Fulton County Jail, facing his fourth criminal case in his reelection bid. He’s one of 19 defendants in an indictment accusing a criminal organization of election result tampering.

Trump’s brief Georgia jail stay was followed by a return to his New Jersey home. He posed for a booking photo, the first for a former president. He’s capitalized on legal challenges for fundraising, posting his booking photo alongside donation links.

His joint fundraising committee garnered $53.8 million from the start of the year to June’s end. Yet, $52 million was spent during the same period, including hefty legal fees for Trump and associates. The Save America PAC had expenses of over $24 million in six months, mainly for legal consulting.

Trump faces charges beyond Georgia, including federal accusations of election interference, mishandling classified data, and New York state charges related to hush money payments.

Read : ‘Handsome guy’: Joe Biden reacts to Donald Trump’s mug shot

Andrew Kaczynski

Andrew Kaczynski joined USA News Flow in August 2022. He writes breaking news, analysis, and feature stories on entertainment, sports, and technology matters.

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