The 2024 US presidential election is less than three years away, but it is already shaping up to be one of the most historic and unprecedented contests in American history. The incumbent President Joe Biden, a Democrat, is expected to run for a second term, while the former President Donald Trump, a Republican, is leading the polls for his party’s nomination. Both men have strong supporters and detractors, and both face legal, political, and constitutional challenges that could affect their chances of winning.

Biden, who will be 81 years old by the time of the election, is the oldest president in US history. He has been praised by some for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, his efforts to rebuild America’s alliances and reputation abroad, and his ambitious agenda to invest in infrastructure, innovation, and clean energy. He has also been criticized by others for his age and health, his inflationary and tax-raising policies, and his weakness on foreign policy issues such as China, Russia, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Trump, who will be 78 years old by the time of the election, is the first president to lose a reelection bid since George H.W. Bush in 1992. He has been lauded by some for his economic achievements before the pandemic, his America First approach to trade and immigration, and his unconventional style and charisma. He has also been condemned by others for his role in inciting the violent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, his mishandling of the pandemic and the environment, and his numerous scandals and lawsuits.

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According to various forecasters and pundits, the 2024 US presidential election will be a close and competitive race that will depend on several factors, such as:

  • The economy: The state of the economy is often a key factor in determining the outcome of presidential elections. Biden has claimed that his policies have created more than 12 million jobs, reduced the unemployment rate to 3.4 percent, and lowered inflation after last year’s peak. Trump has argued that Biden’s policies have caused inflation and harmed businesses, while taking credit for the pre-pandemic economic boom and promising to restore it.
  • The pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major challenge for both presidents. Biden has implemented a national strategy to combat the virus, including vaccine mandates, testing, and masking. Trump has opposed Biden’s measures as authoritarian and ineffective, while downplaying the severity of the virus and promoting unproven treatments.
  • The environment: The environment is another important issue for many voters. Biden has rejoined the Paris climate agreement and pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. Trump has withdrawn from the Paris accord and rolled back environmental regulations, while promoting fossil fuels and dismissing climate change as a hoax.
  • The foreign policy: Foreign policy is also a significant factor in presidential elections. Biden has restored America’s alliances and reputation abroad, while also confronting adversaries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Trump has adopted an America First approach that has alienated allies and emboldened enemies, while also pursuing personal relationships with dictators like Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin.
  • The social issues: Social issues are also relevant for many voters. Biden has defended the rights of women, immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and veterans, while also supporting gun control, health care reform, and criminal justice reform. Trump has appealed to his conservative base by opposing abortion, immigration, diversity, LGBTQ+ rights, and gun control, while also undermining health care access and civil rights.

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The 2024 US presidential election will also be influenced by some unique challenges that could affect the eligibility or viability of either candidate:

  • The legal challenges: Both candidates are facing legal challenges that could derail their campaigns or presidency. Trump is facing multiple criminal and civil trials for alleged wrongdoing, including for trying to overturn the 2020 election , mishandling classified information , paying off a porn star , and more. These trials could result in convictions, fines, or even prison sentences for Trump, which could damage his reputation and credibility among voters and delegates. They could also prevent him from campaigning effectively or even appearing on the ballot in some states. Biden is facing lawsuits from some states over his vaccine mandates , which could limit his authority or popularity among some voters .
  • The constitutional challenge: Trump is also facing a possible constitutional challenge that could disqualify him from running for president again. Some legal experts have argued that Trump is barred from holding any office under the United States under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits anyone who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States from doing so. This argument is based on the claim that Trump incited the violent mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying Biden’s victory. However, this argument faces several hurdles, such as proving that Trump’s actions amounted to insurrection or rebellion, getting Congress or a court to enforce Section 3 against him, and overcoming possible counterarguments that Section 3 does not apply to former presidents or that it violates other constitutional provisions.

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In conclusion, the 2024 US presidential election will be a historic and unprecedented contest between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who both face legal and political challenges that could affect their chances of winning.

The election will be decided by a number of factors, such as the economy, the pandemic, the environment, the foreign policy, and the social issues, as well as the preferences and expectations of the voters and delegates.

The election will also be influenced by some unique challenges, such as the legal and constitutional challenges that could derail or disqualify either candidate. The election will be a crucial choice for the future of the country and the world.

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Q: When is the 2024 US presidential election?

  • The 2024 US presidential election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th.

Q: How many electoral votes are needed to win the presidency?

  • A candidate needs to win a majority of 270 electoral votes out of a total of 538 electoral votes to win the presidency.

Q: How can I create my own forecast for the 2024 US presidential election?

  • You can use an interactive map tool like 270toWin to create your own forecast for the 2024 US presidential election by clicking on states to assign them to different candidates.

Q: Where can I find the latest polls for the 2024 US presidential election?

  • You can find the latest polls for the 2024 US presidential election on websites like 270toWin or [Real Clear Politics], which aggregate polls from various sources and display them in charts or tables.

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Emiko Jozuka

Emiko Jozuka joined USA News Flow in August 2022. She writes Breaking news on Local and International affairs.

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