The upcoming 2024 presidential election is anticipated to be a fiercely competitive and contentious race, particularly if former President Donald Trump decides to seek the Republican nomination once again. While President Joe Biden has declared his intention to run for re-election, he has also expressed some uncertainty, stating that his decision is merely an intention and that it remains to be seen.

In the event that Biden does not run or faces a significant challenge from within his own party, who are the potential candidates that could represent the Democrats in 2024? Based on the most recent polls and analysis, the following are the top 10 Democrats most likely to become the party’s presidential nominee in 2024.

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10. Roy Coope

The governor of North Carolina, who has won two terms in a Republican-leaning state, with Trump on the ballot both times. He has a moderate profile and a record of handling the COVID-19 pandemic well. He could appeal to voters in the South and the Midwest, where Democrats have struggled in recent elections. However, he is not very well-known nationally and does not have much charisma or experience in foreign policy.

9. Cory Booker

The senator from New Jersey, who has a liberal record in the Senate and a lot of charisma and energy. He ran for president in 2020 but failed to gain traction among voters. He could try again in 2024, hoping to capitalize on his popularity among young and minority voters. However, he might face competition from other candidates with similar appeal, such as Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg.

8. Gretchen Whitmer

The Governor of Michigan, has garnered national attention for her confrontations with President Trump regarding the COVID-19 response and her survival of a kidnapping plot by right-wing extremists. She is viewed as a rising star in the Democratic Party and a potential vice-presidential candidate for Biden in 2020. If she secures re-election this year in a swing state, she could potentially run for president in 2024. However, her centrist policies and handling of the Flint water crisis may draw criticism from some progressives.

7. Amy Klobuchar

The Senator from Minnesota, is a moderate Democrat who performed surprisingly well in the 2020 primaries, particularly in New Hampshire. She is known for her pragmatic, bipartisan approach and effectiveness in achieving results. In 2024, she may run for president, aiming to appeal to voters seeking stability and competence. However, some voters may perceive her as lacking the charisma and vision necessary for a leader.

6. Pete Buttigieg

The former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, emerged as a prominent figure in the 2020 primaries, winning the Iowa caucuses and placing second in New Hampshire. He currently serves as the Secretary of Transportation in the Biden administration, where he has been instrumental in promoting the infrastructure plan. In 2024, he may run for president, leveraging his impressive credentials, eloquence, and historic appeal as the first openly gay major presidential candidate. Nevertheless, he may face scrutiny regarding his experience, policies, and ability to win over minority voters.

5. Elizabeth Warren

The Senator from Massachusetts, emerged as a prominent contender in the 2020 primaries, albeit without securing any state victories, and subsequently withdrew from the race after Super Tuesday. Nevertheless, she remains a highly influential figure in the progressive faction of the Democratic Party, boasting a devoted support base and a comprehensive agenda for economic and social justice. It is plausible that she may seek the presidency in 2024, with the aim of unifying the left and challenging the establishment. However, she may encounter resistance from certain moderates who perceive her as excessively radical or divisive.

4. Bernie Sanders

The Senator from Vermont, garnered significant support in both the 2016 and 2020 primaries, mobilizing millions of voters with his message of democratic socialism and political revolution. He remains one of the most popular politicians in the United States, with a robust grassroots movement and a substantial influence on the Democratic agenda. He may consider running for president in 2024, with the aspiration of finally realizing his long-standing ambition of transforming the nation. Nevertheless, he may face obstacles such as his advanced age (he would be 83 by then), his health (having suffered a heart attack in 2019), and his electability (some view him as excessively extreme or polarizing).

3. Kamala Harris

The Vice President of the United States, is the presumptive successor to President Biden, having been selected as his running mate in 2020. She is the first woman, the first Black person, and the first individual of Asian descent to hold the second-highest office in the country. With a diverse background and a track record of accomplishments as a former senator and attorney general of California, she may seek the presidency in 2024, aiming to make history once again and continue President Biden’s legacy. However, she may encounter challenges such as her low approval ratings, her lack of a clear vision, and potential rivals within the administration.

2. Joe Biden

The current President of the United States, is the incumbent and presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2024 election. With a distinguished career in public service spanning nearly five decades, he has demonstrated a moderate and pragmatic approach to governance, prioritizing the restoration of unity and decency to the nation. Notably, he has fulfilled several significant promises, including ending the war in Afghanistan, passing the COVID-19 relief bill, and advancing the infrastructure plan. While he may seek re-election in 2024 to build upon his accomplishments and secure his place in history, he may encounter challenges such as his advanced age (82 years old at the time of the election), his health history (having experienced multiple aneurysms in the past), and criticism from both the left and the right.

1. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The individual in question, an environmental activist and prominent figure in the anti-vaccine movement, holds membership within one of the most renowned American political families. Specifically, he is the offspring of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy. Recently, he has made public his intention to pursue the presidency as an independent candidate in the upcoming 2024 election. His proposed platform encompasses opposition to mandatory vaccinations, the exposure of governmental corruption, and the promotion of green energy initiatives. A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted prior to the launch of his campaign suggests that he may garner support from approximately one in seven American voters. However, it is worth noting that he may encounter resistance from both Democratic and Republican factions, who perceive him as a proponent of conspiracy theories, a threat to public health, and a potential disruptor of the political landscape.

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Candidate Position Support (%)
Biden President 49
Harris Vice President 41
Kennedy Independent 14
Sanders Senator 12
Warren Senator 10
Buttigieg Secretary of Transportation 9
Klobuchar Senator 8
Whitmer Governor 7
Booker Senator 6
Cooper Governor 5


Q: When did Biden announce his intention to run for re-election?
A: Biden announced his intention to run for re-election in April 2022.

Q: Who is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and why is he running for president?
A: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an environmental activist and anti-vaccine leader who is running for president as an independent candidate with a platform of opposing mandatory vaccinations, exposing government corruption, and promoting green energy.

Q: Who are the main challengers to Biden and Harris within the Democratic Party?
A: The main challengers to Biden and Harris within the Democratic Party are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who represent the progressive wing of the party and have a large base of supporters.

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Andrew Kaczynski

Andrew Kaczynski joined USA News Flow in August 2022. He writes breaking news, analysis, and feature stories on entertainment, sports, and technology matters.

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