Former President Donald Trump made his long-awaited return to Fox News on March 29, 2023, in an interview conducted by Sean Hannity. However, his reappearance on the network was met with a lack of enthusiasm from some of his former media allies, who criticized his performance and questioned his relevance in Republican politics.

What did Trump say on Fox News?

During the interview, Trump reiterated his familiar talking points regarding the “fake news media,” the Democrats whom he deemed “horrible,” the allegations of election fraud in the 2020 election, and his potential presidential run in 2024. Additionally, he took aim at some of his Republican detractors, including Senator Mitch McConnell and former Vice President Mike Pence, while expressing admiration for his loyalists, such as Governor Ron DeSantis and Representative Matt Gaetz.

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How did Fox News hosts react to Trump’s interview?

The reaction from Fox News hosts to Trump’s interview was less than favorable. Brian Kilmeade, co-host of “Fox & Friends,” remarked that Trump sounded as though he was still campaigning for the 2020 election and suggested that he should shift his focus towards the future rather than dwelling on the past. Jason Chaffetz, a former Republican congressman and Fox News contributor, opined that Trump was not doing himself any favors by attacking McConnell and Pence, urging him to “let it go.” Chris Wallace, anchor of “Fox News Sunday,” deemed the interview as lacking in newsworthiness and criticized Trump for failing to present a clear vision for the country.

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Why is Trump’s return to Fox News getting a cool reception?

There are a few reasons why Trump’s return to Fox News is not being well-received by some of his former media allies. One reason is that Trump’s popularity among Republicans has decreased since he left office, as shown by various polls. Another reason is that Fox News has faced competition from other conservative outlets, like Newsmax and OAN, that have been more supportive of Trump’s claims of election fraud. Additionally, Fox News has been trying to balance its support for and criticism of Trump in order to appeal to a wider audience and maintain its ratings and credibility.


In conclusion, Trump’s return to Fox News was not a successful comeback, but rather a reminder of his uncertain position in Republican politics. His interview did not generate much excitement or interest among some of his former media allies, who criticized his performance and questioned his relevance. While Trump still has a loyal base of supporters, he may also face challenges from other Republican leaders and media outlets who are looking towards the future.

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Topic Summary
What did Trump say on Fox News? He rehashed his usual talking points about the media, the Democrats, the 2020 election, and his potential 2024 run.
How did Fox News hosts react to Trump’s interview? Some of them were not impressed by his interview and criticized his performance and relevance.
Why is Trump’s return to Fox News getting a cool reception? His popularity among Republicans has declined, Fox News has faced competition from other conservative outlets, and Fox News has been trying to balance its pro-Trump and anti-Trump voices.


Q: When did Trump return to Fox News?
A: He returned to Fox News on March 29, 2023, in an interview with Sean Hannity.

Q: Who were some of the Fox News hosts who criticized Trump’s interview?
A: Some of them were Brian Kilmeade, Jason Chaffetz, and Chris Wallace.

Q: What are some of the challenges that Trump faces in Republican politics?
A: He faces challenges from other Republican leaders who may run against him in 2024, and from other conservative media outlets that may attract his supporters.

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Andrew Kaczynski

Andrew Kaczynski joined USA News Flow in August 2022. He writes breaking news, analysis, and feature stories on entertainment, sports, and technology matters.

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