Former Vice President Mike Pence has officially entered the race for the Republican presidential nomination, hoping to succeed his former boss Donald Trump and challenge the incumbent Democrat Joe Biden. However, Pence faces a daunting task of overcoming Trump’s popularity among the GOP base, as well as competing with other rising stars in the party who have their own ambitions and agendas. Will Pence be able to win the nomination and the general election in 2024? Here are some factors that could affect his chances:

Trump’s shadow: Pence’s biggest obstacle is Trump himself, who has not ruled out running for a second term and remains the frontrunner in most polls. Trump has a loyal and passionate following among Republicans, who see him as the leader of the conservative movement and the victim of a rigged election. Pence, who served as Trump’s loyal deputy for four years, has fallen out of favor with Trump and his supporters after he refused to overturn the election results on January 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. Trump has publicly criticized Pence for his lack of courage and loyalty, and some of his fans have even threatened Pence’s life. Pence will have to find a way to distance himself from Trump without alienating his base, or hope that Trump decides not to run or is disqualified by legal troubles.

The crowded field: Pence is not the only Republican who wants to be president in 2024. He will have to compete with several other candidates who have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some of them are former members of the Trump administration, such as Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, and Ben Carson, who may claim to be the true heirs of Trump’s legacy.

Some of them are governors or senators who have gained popularity and recognition for their policies or personalities, such as Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton. Some of them are outsiders or newcomers who may appeal to different segments of the electorate, such as Asa Hutchinson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Candace Owens, and Tucker Carlson. Pence will have to differentiate himself from these rivals and convince voters that he is the best choice for the party and the country.

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The moderate appeal: Pence’s main advantage is his experience and reputation as a seasoned politician and a reliable conservative. He has served as a congressman, a governor, and a vice president, giving him a broad range of knowledge and skills. He has also been a staunch advocate for social and fiscal conservatism, supporting pro-life, pro-gun, pro-religion, and anti-tax policies.

He could appeal to moderate voters who are looking for stability, competence, and civility in a post-Trump era. He could also attract some independent and swing voters who are dissatisfied with Biden’s performance or policies. However, Pence’s moderate appeal could also backfire, as he may be seen as too bland, boring, or establishment by some voters who want more radical change or excitement.

The verdict: Pence’s chances of winning in 2024 are slim but not impossible. He will have to overcome many challenges and obstacles, both from within and outside his party. He will have to find a balance between embracing and rejecting Trump, between appealing to the base and reaching out to the center, between being faithful to his principles and being flexible to the circumstances.

He will also have to hope that Biden’s popularity declines or that he decides not to run for a second term. Pence may not be the most exciting or charismatic candidate, but he may be the most qualified and experienced one.

Summary Table

Factor Pros Cons
Trump’s shadow Could benefit from Trump’s endorsement or absence Could suffer from Trump’s criticism or presence
The crowded field Could stand out as the most experienced and reliable candidate Could be overshadowed by more popular or dynamic candidates
The moderate appeal Could attract moderate voters who want stability and civility Could repel radical voters who want change and excitement


Q: Why did Mike Pence fall out with Donald Trump?
A: Mike Pence fell out with Donald Trump after he refused to overturn the election results on January 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.

Q: Who are Mike Pence’s main rivals for the Republican nomination?
A: Mike Pence’s main rivals for the Republican nomination are Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, and Ted Cruz, among others.

Q: What are Mike Pence’s main policies and positions?
A: Mike Pence’s main policies and positions are pro-life, pro-gun, pro-religion, anti-tax, and anti-immigration.

Q: How popular is Mike Pence among Republican voters?
A: Mike Pence is not very popular among Republican voters. He ranks third or fourth in most polls, behind Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.

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Emiko Jozuka

Emiko Jozuka joined USA News Flow in August 2022. She writes Breaking news on Local and International affairs.

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